Thursday, June 6, 2013

Full Moon?

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel like the world is out to get you? Yeah, that was today. Starting with last night, sleeping just isn't easy anymore. Even though I am beyond tired, sleeping just doesn't come easy. I am sure part of it is that Zach is out of town. That always makes it difficult to completely relax. I blame Criminal Minds. Last night I decided to take half a dose of Tylenol PM around midnight in hopes it would calm my restless legs and let me get to sleep. It worked! Then the storms began... 4am. Perfect. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a calm person during storms. So there I was, half drowsy and half alert and waiting for tornadoes. I managed to fall back asleep (thank you Tylenol PM!) until you would have thought the world came to an end. Around 6am I was awoken by a quiet chirp followed by the sound of everything electronic in my house stop. The fan spun to a calm end and I was finally coherent enough to realize that we had lost power. Good luck getting back to sleep with 2 freaked out dogs literally trying to crawl into my skin.

I immediately texted Oncor. Yes, you can actually do that now... text the power company that you have no power. Genious. "Estimated time of restored power - 10:30am". I am sorry, what? Eff this. I laid in bed and tried to think of how I was going to pull this off. The office has a gym with showers, blow dryers and all that... but did they have power? What would I do if I assumed they did and got there to find the same problem. Wait, Kristin, you have a gas water heater. Boom. Shower here, dry hair there or in the car on the way there. Ok, we can make this work.

It stormed solid until 7 when I pulled my ass out of bed. I dunked my head in the bathtub and washed the hair. Since it was still storming, it was as dark as night. I did minimal makeup by candlelight and got dressed. Can I tell you how hot it is to get ready without a fan blowing on me. Ugh. Wait... we have no power... how am I going to get the car out of the garage. There is a rescue cord. All have a rescue cord. Ok. Now picture this... a 7 month pregnant woman, hair in a towel, makeup looking probably like Mimi, trying to wrestle a step stool in between two tightly fitting cars to get up to see what is going on with the garage door power box because THERE IS NO CORD!!!

In-laws to the rescue. While up on the ladder, flashlight in hand, cell phone on speaker they walked me through where the cord should be... not where I was looking. "Follow the track all the way to the door" said Joe... shit, there is the cord. I AM AN IDIOT! Pull the cord, and throw that bitch up.

Done, I headed back inside and try to finish getting ready. Chirp... and we have power. Literally 5 minutes after the garage debacle. Hey, at least I can blow dry my hair now. What a fun morning!

The day stayed that way even at work. Fire after fire after fire had to be put out. There didn't seem to be a calm moment in the day. People's poor planning all over the place resulting in me having to rescue them all. Over it. Not only that, other peoples lack of caring for the workload they are placing on me as they clear it off their plate was just icing on the cake.

I need to ctrl+alt+delete the day. So how does one do that? Come home, put on sweats, eat cereal, have a coke and watch Lifetime until I fall asleep. Doesn't the house need to be cleaned? Yup. Do I care tonight? No.

"Halleluah! Holy Shit! Where's the Tylenol".

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