Last week during my regular sonogram and checkup it was discovered that my amniotic fluids were way too low. Up until this point everything had been fine to my knowledge, so this came as quite a shock. Unfortunately Zach was not able to join me at my appointment, so I was trying not to freak out while obtaining all the information they were giving me. I was at a 7.9cm, they hospitalize at 7.4cm for IV fluids. I also learned that her belly was measuring a bit behind, but that wasn't concerning to anyone but me apparently. I was instructed to take it easy (no workouts) until I come back in a few days later. Oh, and drink as much water as the human body can hold. I left in a mild fog and walked to the car to call Zach. He answered, I fell apart. I explained everything to him and we decided to meet for dinner. I was treated to some amazing pizza and water. He was actually quite adorable about it. I was not allowed out of reach of a glass of water. Ever.
The next 2 days crept by. I drank no less than 90oz of water a day. I have never spent more time in the bathroom in my entire life. There were several times that I was not even sure I would make it. Especially when she would be playing Headbangers Ball on my bladder. Sometimes standing completely upright was a challenge without springing a leak.
Come Friday morning, my body was so full of water there was no way that I could not have corrected the problem. Unless it was a bigger problem. Zach made any and all arrangements to make sure he could go with me. All the water paid off. Levels were up to 12.7cm. Back in the normal range. As a follow-up precaution, I also got hooked up to all kinds of monitors for a non-stress test. We sat in a quiet room for 20 minutes and listened to her heartbeat. I think I dozed off for a minute while Zach patiently played Candy Crush. Everything was perfect and back on track.
So, the moral of the story... I have to keep up with the water intake. Goodness... I need to engrave my name on bathroom stall.
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